Google Talk, long a fixture in Gmail, can now be added to your blog as a gadget.
The Google Talk Gadget lets you send instant messages, transfer files, make voice calls (to other Google Talk users) and leave voicemail messages. If you paste a Picasa Web Album or YouTube URL into a chat session, the gadget gives you an instant preview of the photos and videos.
use that link....>>><iframe%20width%3D"234"%20frameborder%3D"0"%20src%3D""%20height%3D"350"><%2Fiframe><p%20style%3D"margin%3A-8px%200">%26nbsp%3B<a%20style%3D"font-size%3A60%25%3Btext-decoration%3Anone"%20href%3D"">Add%20To%20My%20Blog<%2Fa><%2Fp>